
About us

My name is Alexander, I'm a Norwegian economics student, I work part time as a Barista and I have a passion for food. I'm half french, but I've lived in Norway my whole life. I recently moved to a cosy apartment in Oslo with my girlfriend. I have to say that I love seeing her smile when she eats one of my plates. It's like food brings passion, happiness and fire to the relationship. Having said that, I would like to dedicate my passion for food to my mother. I've always loved the great smell of her kitchen when she prepares dinner. I often try to remake her perfect duck plate, but there's always something missing! It's certainly not the passion...  My mother believes in the saying : « good food makes you live longer ». That is a saying I live by and would like to transmit to the world.

I've been lucky to have a father who works in the traveling business. I'm still very young, and I've visited all the continents besides Australia and tasted a lot of what the world has to offer. I've tasted all from crickets in Asia, to superb seafood in the Caribbean, to fantastic tagine in morocco, to homemade tagiatelli in Italy to grilled bats in Brazil. I have to say that i haven't got a favourite kind of food because I love to explore new tastes as well as great classic plates. Every time I get to a new country and see the raw merchandise/fresh food they have, I only want to cook with it. Oslo, recently known as the capital of great coffee, is still missing fresh spices, plenty of vegetables, fruits and great products. 

Every new years eve these past 4 years, my closest friends and I have gotten together for a week. Until recently I was the new years eve cook. Every year has been a big project but never the less a blast (this year no different). Creating new dishes that everybody can enjoy is great. This year (2011), my best friend met her new boyfriend in France. As the relationship grew I got to know him, and as it occurs, he's studying the same as I am and he has the same great passion for food! We began cooking for each other, and later on together. As it turns out, we make a great team, and we create magic on a plate. His name is Camille.

You've heard my story, now it's time for you to hear his…


My name is Camille, I was born in 1989 and I am working in the Energy industry. Food has always been a part of my education, my mother taught me everyday to eat as healthy as I could and my father always spent hours cooking classic french meals to great experimental dinners. I was born and raised in a very small village in the South-West of France, so I learnt cooking straight from great rural food markets and of course, the family kitchen. I spent so many hours watching my parents cooking for my two brothers and myself, for their friends or for family reunions, and it was always delicious.

When I became a student and lived by my own, I really didn't make good meals. I was eating healthy but I wasn't taking the time to push it to the next level. This passion came later and since then, it kept growing. In the future, I would love to travel the world and discover all kind of recipes from Asia to South America.

I have been living in Oslo for quite some time now as my girlfriend is Norwegian, and I love it. The city, as the entire country, is beautiful and the food... You really need to try the food! From the greatest seafood to the wildest meat, Norway has always kept this authentic cuisine that is inspiring for anyone that loves to be in the kitchen. Making a link between Norwegian and French cuisine is really motivating me. But there is nothing that I enjoy more than the happiness of my girlfriend when I cook for her. She is my best critic and my greatest fan. And trust me, you will always seduce a girl with a beautiful meal.

It is also a great pleasure to share the kitchen with Alex. His cuisine is really creative and inspiring, so I couldn't be more excited about this blog project and the progress that we're gonna make!

See you in our next post!