Monday, September 24, 2012
Stringy cheese chicken
A little while ago I saw a Heston Blumenthal episode, and he made me crave for stringy cheese! I absolutely adore cheese! If you one day you get to ask me which my favorite cheese are, I´ll only be answering: there´s too many to choose from! But my favorites are in the blue cheese and well preserved section.
Now for this simple dish I used:
Norwegian yellow cheese
All these have a purpose. Mozzarella for the stringiness, compté for the intense flavor, norwegian yellow cheese for the volume and the aged parmesan for the little crisp and creamy flavor.
Mix them all in a Bain Marie and let it melt naturally. Swirl a couple of times and do not worry about the sauce.
Cut the chicken breast in the middle so that it folds out. Put some stringy cheese in it, and close it up with some thread. Cut some carrots in fine lengths and mix it with some greens (asparagus, green beans, herbs...) in the pan. The carrots will bring some sweet flavor to the dish.
Fry the chicken first and them the vegetables. Use some of the cheese sauce that was created and there you have a stringy cheese dish!
Remember one thing though, always season your food! and then taste before re-seasoning.
Have a great one!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Surf ' n ' Turf Mania
I assure you, I have been cooking a lot for the past months, but the time for some blogging has been very limited. To recap my life for the past months, I began the year with the national barista championships, then I prepared for my 5 exams at the university! The fact that I was ill for a couple of months before my exams, meant that I had to read a LOT!
Food being one of the center pieces in my relationship, I have to say that my girlfriend has made a lot of improvements being my personal little chef :)
Following my exams, I get offered the job that many passionate baristas dream of getting! I get to be a assistant manager during the opening of the new Stockfleths i Oslo (soon to be the best coffee bar in Oslo!). Not only that, but I get to have the Norwegian Barista Champion as my boss! That, I have to say, is pretty AWSOME!
Now school has started again. Even if I haven´t had a lot of vacation, I´m ready for a new semester and new experiences!
As my first blogpost in a long time, I would like to share one of my favorite Italian recipes I made this summer. This is really a sunny day recipe, but can be appreciated a cold day with a great spanish or italian red wine.
I would like to call it:
Surf ´n ´ turf MANIA!
Now to the basics of this recipe:
- 3 tins of quality tunafish in olive oil
- homemade mayonaise (retail is great too)
- Ruccola salad
- Pre panned sirloin (you can use a lot of different types, but red meat is recommended)
- quality parmesan
- quality olive oil (extra virgin)
- pine nuts
- lime
- salt and pepper
- creme fraiche
- cayenne pepper
Now this sounds pretty easy, and the great thing is that it is easy!
If you have a little fatty sirloin, beat it to break the strings! then cook it in a pan with butter, or put it in the oven for a slower cook (160 degrees should do it (remember to moisture the meat while its cooking)).
Let it rest for a couple of minutes, and cut it into longer pieces.
For the tuna mix, empty the tuna tins into a bowl, then add a couple of spoons of mayonnaise. Then add some creme fraiche to mix the different creamy textures! Balance it after you own palate and add the salt, pepper, cayenne and lime!
Mix the ingredients, and add the meat. Let it cool during the night! Before serving, add the roasted pine nuts and ruccola and there you go!!!! it´s time for surf ´n´ turf MANIA!
I hope you enjoy my first long blog post! My god I now remember how much I love writing about this!
Monday, September 10, 2012
Fish dinner in Autumn
Everything is going great in my new job, very nice colleagues, a beautiful office in Oslo and I can cook great meals now that my bank account isn't always in negative.
It's been a long time since I cooked fish, I'm not even sure if I posted any recipe with fish on this blog but anyway, here's tonight's dinner: "Tzatziki Salmon" for the entrée, and "Stir fried Plaice" for the main course.
For this "Tzatziki Salmon", I used really basic ingredients to make a fine, fresh and well balanced entrée. I made a bed of avocado at the bottom, put slices of cucumber (marinated quickly with olive oil), and finished it with pomegranate on the top.
Around the cucumber, I put a tzatziki emulsion made from tzatziki with added liquid cream. I placed cubes of fresh salmon and small bits of cucumber pulp. Store it in the fridge for 5 minutes before serving.
The main course is simpler in taste and color, but still as delicious. I stir fried the Plaice filets in olive oil for 5 minutes on the skin and placed it in the oven for 3 minutes at 200°c. The green vegetables were also stir fried in olive oil for 5 minutes, but I added also balsamic vinegar.
I added lime juice just before serving, salt and pepper. You really don't need any sauce for Plaice, the fish speaks for itself.
Hope you enjoy these two recipes! Ask me if you want other fish recipes ;)
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Reindeer Steak with Brunost Sauce
It has been a long since the last spot. Well, life has been very busy since last time. I graduated from my school in France after weeks working on my thesis, but I wasn't accepted in the Master program I wanted to do in Norway. Huge disappointment, but I got back on my feet directly and started looking for a job. I finally found the dream job, after few interviews I finally got it, and I'm based in Oslo which is just perfect!
After that, I had to come back to cooking and writing on the blog.
Here I am, with a new Camille's Norwegian meal: Reindeer Steak with Brunost Sauce. Every once in a while, there is a farmer market in Oslo where you can buy very typical Norwegian food, and this was the best place to find a meal to do my blog come back. I chose a beautiful piece of reindeer hunted just recently, and a brunost. For those who don't kno, brunost is a delicious brown goat cheese. It is made from whey that is cooked until caramelized. I love it and if you come to Norway, you need to try it.
For the meat, I cooked it in the oven at 60°c during 3 hours and finished it at 100°c for 30 minutes glazing it with a salty butter at the end. I recommend it bloody or at least pink to really enjoy the taste of the meat, but if you want it cooked more you can live it at 60°c for another hour.
For the sauce, I used 50g of butter, added 25g of Brunost and finished it with 10ml of liquid cream. It works perfectly with a meat, really delicious!
On the side, I cooked cantrell mushrooms quickly in a pan with olive oil, just remember to wash them very well before. Plus a rutabaga and parsnip purée: cut them in cubes, cook the cubes in boiling water until they are soft and mix them with liquid cream until you can a nice texture. Pour the cream carefully and just a little bit several time in order to avoid a very liquid purée.
I hope you like this come-back recipe! Feels good to cook and blog again:)
Monday, April 9, 2012
A nice dinner for two!
They are indeed quite tasty.
For the starter, I used slices of eggplant and parsnip with a scampi on it. These vegetables work very well with seafood. I cooked the parsnip in boiling water for 10 minutes and the eggplant with butter, 3 minutes on each side.
For the scampi, I cooked them in a frying pan with a little bit of olive oil and soy sauce. Everything together really works perfectly and you can use it with fishes too.
For the next meal, I made an oven-baked salmon with spinach. Put the salmon with olive oil, salt and pepper in the oven at 180°c for 10 minutes. Don't overcook it or it will be dry, wasting this delicious fish.
With the spinach, put them in a saucepan with 10cl of water, a spoon of olive oil, salt and pepper and cook it at medium temperature until they are very soft without any water left. The sauce is a crème fraîche with lime, perfect for the salmon!
I might be without posting for some time again as my bachelor thesis is due very soon bu I'll do my best. See you soon!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Homemade Ravioli:)
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Tomato risotto
Barista Barista!

Monday, March 5, 2012
Norwegian food market

Sunday, March 4, 2012
The "Cake" Challenge
Thanks to her, I might be reconciled with baking:)
For the cake:
- 80g flour
- 10g baking powder
- 125g butter
- 125g dark chocolate
- 125g sugar
- 3 eggs
- pinch of salt
For the middle:
- 100g mascarpone
- 20cl bitter orange syrup
- 10g bitter orange marmalade
For the topping:
- 100g dark chocolate
- 50g butter
- 50g crème fraîche
Enjoy it with a nice cup of coffee!
So, is this challenge a success?
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Homemade pasta!

Thursday, March 1, 2012
Dinner with friends
The starters were Ginger Scallops in a lime and butter sauce. Except for cooking the scallops, this is a very simple recipe but so delicious. First, dispose on the plate a spoon of Gari (marinated ginger you eat with sushi) and the juice of one lime. Cook your scallops: in a hot pan, 1 minute on each side. You have to be very quick. Melt 100g of butter, and add it on your scallops in the plates. Finish with basil finely chopped.
The second dish was a roasted pork Tenderloin with mozzarella and pesto eggplant. First, colour the tenderloin by cooking each side very quickly in a hot pan, and in the oven with thyme at 200°c for 20 minutes. After this time, take the Tenderloin out and cover it with aluminum foil until you're ready to cut slices and serve.
For the eggplant, cut 1 cm slices and cook them in a pan with olive oil until they are soft. Prepare an oven plate with olive oil at the bottom, take each slice and add mozzarella in the middle with a teaspoon of pesto and fold the edges to the middle. Cook it in the oven at 150°c until the mozzarella melts.
Prepare a sauce by reducing the juice of the tenderloin with cream. It's just what you need to complete the moist texture of the meat.
And the dessert:
I tried very hard to make a perfect chocolate cake for dessert but I failed! and even if it tasted good, it had the shape of a cap... Yes. A cap. So the girls (Heidi and Helle) became very creative and I thank them so much. We cut the cakes in circles (and little hearts), put it
The challenge wasn't really a success so I'm going to try very soon a new chocolate cake and hope for the best! :)
Cherry sirloin

Wednesday, February 29, 2012
What a beautiful day today!

Chicken Risotto
To make the risotto, I recommend you to follow Alex's recipe: Mushroom Risotto.
While you cook the risotto, take the chicken out of the stock, remove all the meat and add it to your preparation just before the end. Few slices of parmesan on top of it and here is your second delicious meal made with the chicken. And there are still the wings and legs for the third recipe!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Taste sensation!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012
rustic soufflé
Saturday, February 18, 2012
White wine Poached Chicken
Instead of buying chicken breasts or wings, buy an entire chicken for example. It is way cheaper and you can make 3 different meals with it!
The first recipe I present you is a poached chicken. Ideal to keep the meat moist and really tender, it is another dimension from roasted chicken (which is also delicious).
Cut the legs and wings off and store them in the fridge for another dish. Place the chicken in a saucepan with one half of onion, 2 shallots cut in half, thyme, chive and bay leaves. Add 50ml of oil on the chicken, pepper and salt. Then cover until 1 cm above the chicken with 3/4 of water and 1/4 of white wine. Buy the cheapest wine you can find, as it cooks it really doesn't matter so don't waste a good bottle. Let it poach over medium heat for 20 minutes.
Take the chicken out of the saucepan (just the chicken, leave the stock in it) and cut the breast off and put the rest back in the stock (we will use it for the next dish). Heat up a frying pan with olive oil and cook the breasts until the skin has a nice crisp. Glaze regularly by putting some of the hot oil on the meat with a spoon.
Serve with any vegetables you want, I chose sautéed potatoes.
For the sauce, reduce 100ml of your stock in a sauce pan, add one shallots finely chopped, add 200ml of crème fraîche and finish with chive. There is your first meal for two, a very tender and moist chicken with a beautiful poached flavour! The two other dishes coming soon.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
My perfect mousse :)

For the dark mousse in the bottom I used:
70 g dark quality chocolate
150 ml of double cream
2 small egg whites
3 tablespoons of sugar
Melt the chocolate in a “bain marie” and add 75 ml of boiling double cream. To get the process going, continue stirring in ice water... While stirring add the remaining 75 ml of cream (if you want to add flavor, add a table spoon of coffee or other...). Stir until you get a soft textured chocolate mix.
Whisk the egg whites and add one spoon of sugar at the time. You should get a great meringue.
Stir gently and set it in a chilled glass. Put the glass in the fridge while preparing the white chocolate mousse!
For the white mousse on top I used:
100 g white quality chocolate
45 ml of milk
2 egg whites
3 tablespoons of sugar
120 ml of double cream
First off, melt the chocolate in a “bain marie” and stir in the milk. To get the process going, continue stirring in ice water...
When smooth, se aside and begin whisking the egg whites.. When you get peaks, add it to the chocolate mix.
Whisk the cream until soft peaks can be formed and add it to the chocolate mix. Stir gently so that the mousse still keeps its fluffiness. Pipe into the glass with dark chocolate and let it rest for at least 2 hours. If you have questions, don´t hesitate to ask!!
You should get a dens great chocolate flavored mousse in the bottom, with a fluffy light white chocolate mousse on top.
Simply delicious!!
Valentine's dinner n°2
Next on the menu was a Duck Confit on string beans and mushrooms with a red wine and blueberry reduction. Of course! I couldn't make a romantic dinner without cooking duck, we love it both too much ; and Duck Confit was the first dish I made to impress my girlfriend so I had to do it again. You can find my recipe HERE.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
The day after valentines
Valentines dinner!